Tuesday, 10 August 2010
A general catch up....
It's been way too long since my last update. I always have the best intentions of being "regular" on here, but never quite seem to make it happen.
Right, so what's to catch up on? Playing much more golf for a start and thoroughly enjoying it. Handicap's back down to 18, but can still improve on that. So far this year have played the Brabazon at the Belfry and both Royal Lytham and Royal Liverpool. Old Thorns down in Hampshire too. All great courses.
Recently booked to go and see Professor Stephen Hawking's lecture at the Royal Albert Hall in October. Can't wait for that, just wish my brain had some more bogomips behind it to assist with the understanding.
Have a few shows to go too, Spamalot tomorrow, and the touring Les Mis soon.
Later this month me and Mikey are off to Lords for the Test Match against Pakistan. We're likely to take a show in there too, just depends what we can tickets for. While in London we're hoping to get to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich.
All in all, lots of good stuff on. Work fine too, busy as ever, but still enjoying it, far better to be busy than bored.
Finally, (for now at least), very content with 2.2 Froyo (official) on my HTC Desire. Although it doesn't do some things as well as other phones, it is the first phone I've had that will actually do everything I want.
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