Friday, 30 July 2010


Just spent an excellent day down at Royal Birkdale watching the British Women's Open. It's a far more relaxed affair than the men's event and offers great opportunities to spectate close up to the players.

Mikey and I more or less spent the full day today following Laura Davies around. I must confess to not really being up to speed on the women players of today, but Laura's been around since I started playing way back when. And from what I saw today, I wish I could play like her too. Two over on the day, when the conditions were far from ideal wasn't a bad return in my view.

What I must learn, is to copy the swing tempo of these ladies, it's so slow, with so little effort you'd think the ball wouldn't go more than 100 yards, yet they regularly hit the damn thing far further than I can. There really is a lesson to be learned there.

Anyway, Royal Birkdale, a fantastic course which I had the privilege of playing last year. If I could only ever play one course again, this would be it.


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