Saturday, 21 November 2009

A blog from 1st Class.

Thought I'd take the opportunity for a rather belated update while on the train to London to watch England v the All Blacks at Twickenham. Must say I can't recall attending a "professional" union game, although I have been to plenty of RFL games over the years. At school we were forced to play union, and I hated it. Managed to switch to hockey early on thank God, but later in life I got hooked on watching league (with Wigan) back when they were in their pomp. It was all that was good in a game, families attended and the play was fast, furious and entertaining. Unlike union (then) which appeared dour, even dire. No running play, all ruck, maul and kick. Granted, since the barriers were lifted between the games, union appears to have come on a lot, or at least so I thought until I watched England v Australia on the TV last week in preparation for today. What a waste of time! Sincerely hoping it's an entertaining game today, obviously would like England to win, but the odds appear stacked against it.

As mentioned, taking the train today too, I spend that much time in the car it's great to relax and let someone else drive! Travelling 1st class too as a "treat to self", although not sure what extra I get other than a free coffee that tastes like dishwasher and a shortbread biscuit.

Dreadful news up in Cumbria with all the flooding, especially the poor PC who lost his life during a bridge collapse. We were up in the Lakes a few weeks back and even then, the rivers and lakes were higher than I've seen them in years. Makes you wonder about relocating to higher ground if this sort of trend continues.

Life continues with BlackBerry. Recently switched (back) to a BES account, it's so much better, although BIS has come on a great deal in recent years, you can't beat full synchronisation. And still loving the 8310, even looking at BB's latest offerings I don't think anything comes close for size and bang for the buck.

Many interesting developments on the operator front, provided the deal gets approved, Orange UK and T-Mobile UK will become one, although not sure if they intend integrate their networks or just roam, depends on which web site you read :-) Also picked up on the web that O2's and Vodafone's first shared site went live recently. Maybe we're heading for two "mega" networks. Who knows.

Before I forget, if you're on Google latitude, they've now enabled location history, and it's fabulous! If you ever forget where you've been at any time, you can now find out :-)

Right, guess that'll do for now, will try and not make it as long before the next entry!


Mark Haworth

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Time to relax...

Well after a very hectic few months, it's finally time to take some leave. Have been off since Monday, but as ever, it's taken a few days to unwind. Still doing the odd thing, but only to make the return to the office a little less painful :-)

So, what's new? Well for one I've ordered my new car, it's being built on the 27th November in Germany. Hopefully for delivery early December. I've pushed the boat out this time and gone for the top spec Ford Kuga. Fully loaded with just about everything, after a test drive in one at that level of spec, anything less had to be a disappointment! Hope to keep this one for a few years, so intend to install some amateur radio gear to make driving up and down the country a little less mundane, not sure what to get, or how to install it yet, but looking forward to it all the same.

Had a laptop disaster (works machine), I disconnected it from the work domain, only to find I could no longer log in or change it back. Not clever. Shan't be doing that again. Fortunately, all my data is backed up so didn't loose any of that, only about a month's mail. Back up and running now.

Talking of running, what happened to my fitness drive? I'll tell you what, it fizzled out like all the rest, although I did go for a run earlier this week *and* have just bought a new pair of running shoes, maybe tomorrow I may just try them :-)

And what's happened to my beloved Liverpool? Don't think four games lost on the bounce counts as just a "blip", I'm not going to offer my thoughts here, since I don't have access to any of the facts as to what's going on. Sure, there's plenty of speculation on the owners, keep / sack Rafa and all the usual stuff. All I know is something's wrong, the players appear dis-interested at the moment and without the dynamic duo or Torres and Gerrard, all is currently woe. Just the right time to play Man Utd then, if they can't lift temselves for that, it's time to give up.

Still over a week to go on leave yet, it's now time to catch up on some of the outstanding jobs around the house!

Until next time...


Sunday, 4 October 2009

They think it's all over....

Well the geese have arrived a week or two ago, so that's it. Summer is officially over. Must confess I must be losing my marbles, I was convinced the clocks went back last weekend in September, but apparently it's October. Must be losing the plot. Either way, since the geese arrived, we've had one or two quite nice days. Wonder what the winter's going to be like? If previous years are to go by, probably quite wet and warmer to what I remember when I was a lot younger :-)

Ended up with a new phone from work, sadly had an accident with the P1i, dropped the damned thing. Not clever. Now have a G700, after initial reservations, have to confess it's growing on me, nevertheless, it's not a BlackBerry therefore it'll never be loved.

A very busy spell at work continues, but hopefully should quieten off a little before year end, hoping for some time off in October and a nice long Christmas break, may even try and get back into Amateur Radio, one of my hobbies that's kind of taken a back seat over recent years.

On the sporting front, weekends are now back to "normal" (whatever that is), since the cricket season finished, I think next year I may try and keep the games down to just Saturday or Sunday, both days is a bit too much. It's nice to try and get at least one day to chill out. Really impressed with the new golf clubs I got for my birthday, but only got to try out for the first time this week! Maybe it's just because they're new, but the "custom fit" appears to have done the trick, I appear to be able to hit the ball (fairly) straight. Looking for a handicap reduction next year then!

Also thinking of changing the car, I'm doing too many miles and need to sort something out, thinking of a Ford Kuga. Can anyone convince me why not?

Right, bacon butty time, before a long overdue tidy up in the office, why can't I ever keep it tidy, it'd be so much easier :-)


Sunday, 13 September 2009

Bad time for the cricket teams...

Ended up playing for the 2nd's again yesterday. Personally, didn't do too well, dropped another catch of Mikey's bowling and was out for a second ball duck. The seconds had already been relegated, but we returned to the club just in time to see the first team lose and also get relegated. It's going to be a difficult time for all over the winter trying get ready to turn things round for next year. On a brighter note, Mikey's also playing for the thirds today, and by all accounts, if they win, they stay up. Here's hoping.

A very busy week at work, as stated in my summary, I'm not going to give much away on all things work related, but suffice it to say it was a key week for us this last week with a major contract starting service. Pleased to report that the story so far is good, but we've another two weeks of transition before us during which I'm hoping everything also goes well.

Watched a 9/11 documentary on TV last night, it was compiled by footage from multiple sources from that dreadful day and for me, (not that it needed it), brought everything into focus. To see things from so close was just dreadfully depressing. Sure there are all sorts of conspiracy theories (which I must say I don't agree with), but whatever your personal belief of why things transpired the way they did that day, you surely cannot fail to understand how much grief and pain the relatives of those who died must feel when seeing the pictures and video footage again. As events pass into history we often tend to lose focus on them. I remember by Dad telling me many years ago he was adamant that footage of the war in all it's appalling detail should be mandatory footage to kids every year to show them the futility of it and to ensure it never happened again. I'd like to think the same of 9/11, but in this crazy world I'm afraid I'm not so sure we can be so confident.

Looking around me, it's obviously time for tidy up :-) I'm going to try and re-establish a DAB radio here in the study. I've a nice little Hitachi "thing" in the loft we used to have in the lounge that has decent speakers and also the ability to plug a USB stick in to play what's on that. Must dig that out since it looks like I've finally found a radio station I can listen to! Check out "The Arrow" on DAB, classic songs with no DJ and no adverts! Perfect :-)

Thinking about what car to get next, I've clocked up too many miles in this one too quickly so am likely to have to make some form of adjustment or change. Thinking of a Kuga this time and maybe next time go for something second hand but luxurious, i.e. decent spec Jag or other "top end" car. By my reckoning I could get something very decent for the same price as a new Ford. Who knows, I may even fulfil my ambition to one day own a Range Rover :-)

The run of the "Secret Garden" sadly came to an end last Saturday night at the Little Theatre to another standing ovation. I'm normally not that gushing about any theatre production since a lot can be (and are) at best average, but once a certain "team" get together in the form of Stephen and Paul (Director / Musical Director) with a cast that can actually do what's asked of them, the results can most certainly be worth watching :-) The feedback I've had from friends who went to see it was that it was one of the best they've seen. Anyway, it'll soon be Panto...

Right, time for some breakfast and to clear some of these blasted emails....


Saturday, 5 September 2009

Another week gone....

And still behind on "stuff" I should have done :-)

Acquired a new phone (for work) this week, our mobile mail client is changing (still no BlackBerry sadly) so decided on a Sony Ericsson C902. So far so good, it appears to do what it says on the tin, and since the mail client is only "officially" supported on S/E phones, it couldn't be anything other than an S/E. Don't really fancy the Walkman range since I don't listen to music (at least not on my phone), but having a good camera (it's 5MP's on the C902) is a nice feature to have.

The run of "The Secret Garden" is in full swing, last two performances today. So far so good, although there have been a couple of drop-offs with a none function of a smoke machine and a pipe blowing off the water feature. Hopefully all resolved now. I had the luxury of actually watching it one night and even though I'm not a great watcher I did really enjoy it. The standard of acting / singing in the Youth Theatre seems to get better year on year. Well done to all involved. After spending three weeks building it, it all gets pulled out tonight though.

My finger is still hurting from cricket last week, not as bad though, and not as black, but I'm due to play again tomorrow (Sunday) for the 3rd's. Just been to drop Mikey off for the 2nd's game and that's been called off. There's more rain forecast, so I guess tomorrow looks doubtful.

Approaching a very busy time with work now, but I prefer it that way than quiet (not that it ever is), some new challenges to overcome with the new operation, but I'm sure everything will be fine. All being well, looking foward to an extended break over Christmas.

My new golf clubs that were bought for my birthday have finally arrived too, just need to find time to go and pick them up and give them a whirl, they're supposed to a custom fit so I'm expecting an improvement in my game! Need to play at least three medal rounds next year to avoid my handcap becoming inactive.

Right, time for a spot of lunch before the theatre.


Monday, 31 August 2009

Are you a member?

Somewhat late, my weekly update. Fairly brief since there's a lot on and I'm pushed for time.

Tonight we have the first dress for "The Secret Garden", it promises to be an excellent show, so if you fancy an evening out, why not get yourself tickets? Over the last three weeks we've been building it, just got a fountain to finish off sometime tonight.

On the cricket front I've played a couple of games, once for the thirds, once for the seconds, and I didn't get nought in either of them :-) Mikey and I had an excellent afternoon out yesterday watching the International T20 at Old Trafford between England and the Aussies. We had members tickets (hence the blog title), so had the chance to be up close and personal with the players. Having been in the pavilion now, I'm going to have to join, can't watch from anywhere else :-)

Lots on at work, so nothing new there, but looking forward to some time off in October.

Finally managed to get a date in the diary to meet up with two Daves next week, it's been too long since our last whistle whetting in the Guest House!

Last week I had a sad trip to my Uncle's funeral. Always find funerals difficult, but this one was made much easier by a wonderful speech from the vicar and the knowledge that he (my Uncle) had been suffering very badly over the last few months. RIP Colin, top bloke.

Will try and update a little more frequently soon.


Sunday, 16 August 2009

A busy weekend.

Well, busy in many senses. We finally started the long awaited loft clearout, but having toiled for the day, and made several trips to the tip, it still looks no better, so we'll be continuing for some weeks to come I should imagine. We separated out what we thought might be worth a few bob on eBay, only to look and find it's not really worth the effort. More trips to the tip then :-) The idea has been mooted of a loft conversion again, there's insufficient headroom to make it a usable room as such, but there are other opportunities for a breakout area, maybe including a relocation of my radio room....

After a few weeks off, it's back to cricket today, Mikey's toe although not fully recovered looks ok to me, (even though the chiropodist says it isn't), so we're back in for the home game against Formby for the thirds. Just hope the weather holds.

Over the last week or so, I've also been helping out set building for the forthcoming Youth Theatre production of "The Secret Garden" down at the Little Theatre. We'll be there again tonight. It's all starting to come together quite nicely. If you've some time to spare, it's worth coming and watching :-)

Not been traveling as much this last couple of weeks since it's school summer holidays. Must confess it makes a pleasant change from one hotel room or another, although it'll soon be back to normal once August is done. Although work is never quiet since there's always something that needs immediate attention, in general, the number of meetings and request to be places does diminish as people take their well earned summer breaks. Talking of which, I must sort out what we're doing.....

A busy weekend of TV sport too, T20 finals day (well done Sussex although I'd have preferred Somerset to win), the USPGA (English hopes fading) so I guess I'll have to switch to the good ship Padraig, Murray through to another Master's final, capped with the return of the Premiership. Already watched Match of the Day, what the hell were Everton playing at? They looked dreadful. Frustrated at Chelsea's injury time winner, and disappointed Blackburn couldn't hold money bags Man City. Anyway, the big game of the weekend is yet to come with our visit to White Heart Lane. Having watched us get beat at home to Athletico Madrid in the friendly last week where our back four looked fragile, I can't claim to be confident. Liverpool's results in the pre-season friendlies this year has been poor, but I recall in the seventies / eighties, they used to loose the lot, but then go on and win the League. One can hope.

Right, time to check the cricket bag has everything in it, some pasta and ham for lunch, then off to the ground.


Sunday, 9 August 2009


It appears that due to an ongoing DDOS attack on twitter, some of the features of this blog may not be functioning.

Wish some folk would just grow up.


Friday, 7 August 2009

Sat Navs and traffic modules...

Have been changing Sat Navs around this week. My trusty (although now ageing Navman) was somewhat behind on map updates. Found out that map updates for it stopped nearly two years ago. What I liked about it was a traffic cradle I had for it that allowed connection to an external aerial. After many tests with the windscreen antenna, I soon discovered that an external aerial was an absolute must.

Anyway, I've now acquired my wife's Garmin Street Pilot with the traffic module built into the charger lead. Thankfully the maps can still be updated but that only happened after considerable faffing around with tech support since the unit doesn't auto handle the extra SD card I'd put in.

Bad news was (and I should have realised given my experience with the Navman), the traffic module's (GTM-21) performance with the piece of string that was supposed to be the aerial was none existent.

For those interested, the fix is to cut off the aeial close to where it's joined to the connector, use a pen knife to cut back some the charger lead to reveal the sheild, and solder on (using coax) an exterior antenna. Mine's a 2M/70cm dual band mag whip and I'm pleased to report the traffic signal is being received loud and clear all the time.

Until next time....


Saturday, 1 August 2009

Bits & bobs...

A collection of what's been going on this last week....

Spent a couple of days staying in London while working down South. The girls were already there on a short break so took Mikey down and stopped with them while I went off to a few meetings. The sheer pace of London astounds me, I'd far rather be in a sleepy rural village, how folk can cope with life at 100mph is beyond me. Sure, there are some great things you can see / do there, I always leave the place feeling totally cream crackered.

Whilst the conditions permitted, I' ve been trying (unsuccessfully) to take some photographs of the Space Station while it passed though the night sky. It's unmistakable to spot, so bright and traveling at such speed, but trying to get a shot at it is damn nigh impossible. It's too fast to have the camera on a tripod, yet the camera shake if you don't is too great. Must research some more, I'm sure there'll be a way.

Got my erroneous data charges dropped by O2 (while roaming in Jersey), looks like there may have been an issue with the data roaming actually being on even though it was off (which is what I thought), I've to update the phone and all should be well. Great jesture by O2, I was sort of expecting to have to pay it since it was only my word against theirs, but good on them for doing it.

Must valet the car today, I've already racked up 12k miles in not many months and it's badly in need of a clean, no excuses either I'm afraid, the sun is just starting to break through.

On the sporting front, Mikey's toe is still on the mend, although he's been told he can't play cricket for another 3 weeks, not what he wanted to hear. I've been playing (and enjoying) golf about once a week, but only played cricket once in the last month.

Managed to secure a pair of tickets for the last day of the Ashes test at Headingley, just hope the game lasts that long :-)


Saturday, 25 July 2009

Royal Birkdale

Well it's taken way too long, but finally got to play Royal Birkdale on Friday. I just wish I'd played there sooner! What a fabulous course! Having walked it many times while watching the Open Championship, to play it is simply magnificent.
Every hole has it's individuality and charms, sure the rough is quite tough, but you shouldn't be in it should you? If you play sensibly and think your way around, you can score well. I certainly did (on some holes), some less so :-)
It's expensive, but for a treat, I'd recommend it to anyone, I'll be back there for sure!
Best course I've played by a country mile.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Dear diary....

Well time's really rattling by at the moment. Thought it was time for a quick update on a few things.

Mikey had the op on his toe a week ago, he's been told to stay off sport for 3 to 4 weeks minimum while it heals. Can't say he's terribly happy about that, but it needs doing. Hopefully he'll be back at cricket before too long.

After a bright start in the first Ashes Test at Cardiff, (I still don't agree with that), England now have their backs to the wall and need to bat out the last day. I'm not convinced they can, but here's hoping. I read somewhere that England have *always* lost the first test since 1997, so if we can hold out for a draw that's got to be an improvement?

I must congratulate the BBC on a truly magnificent effort with Series 3 of Torchwood, it had me thinking all week, the storyline, acting, everything about it was absolutely top draw. Congratulations all round, I just hope it's back for another series sometime, although given the attrition rate Torchwood "staff" and the ending of Series 3 I'm not sure. Did read that Russell T Davies says he's ready to continue so let's keep the collective fingers crossed. After its peak last week it would surely be criminal to lose it now.

And talking of the BBC, also congrats to Top Gear for the first episode of the new series and the 1940's race between London and Edinburgh with train, bike and car. I know some criticise the format of the show and state it's not a "sensible" show about cars. Get real guys, it's an entertaining show with cars as the theme and certainly excels at that. Long may it continue.

Played my first medal round at golf in many a moon yesterday and somewhat surprised myself at how well I did. A little disappointed with my net 75 since (as always) it could have been so much better. But the fact that I managed to keep the ball in play most of the time was very encouraging :-) I've the Belfry and Royal Birkdale to look forward to in the next couple of weeks so needed that confidence booster before the two big events!

Starting to prepare for "Secret Garden" with the Youth Theatre shortly, it runs first week of September but everything from a staging perspective always needs kicking off well in advance.

That'll do for now, until next time.


Thursday, 2 July 2009

Where were we?

Well it's a good while since my last entry, apologies for that, have been travelling a lot and been pretty busy with work.

I guess the first update is regarding how's the running going? Well not too bad actually. I don't run when I'm away, but don't usually miss out when I'm home. On average maybe four times a week. Yes, it does seem to be getting a little easier, but I am also pushing myself a little harder each week. Still only doing two miles, but running most of it now. So far have lost just shy of my 3kg already, so may have to increase my goal now. We'll see. I'll be honest, I don't enjoy it, hate it in fact, but I believe it's necessary to keep the old frame ticking along.

Have played a few rounds of golf with my lad Mikey over the last few weeks at the club. Really must get his name down to join, he's really good now, so much so his gross front nine was better than mine last week!

Not much cricket to report on, Mikey's struggling with a toe infection which has prevented him playing, he's due to get it sorted this week, so after a spell of rest, we should be good to go again.

Done some helping out back stage at the theatre on and off, next "big" one for me will be "The Secret Garden" in September.

The weather's been far too hot for my liking, we had a belter of a storm the other night, not heard or seen anything like it in years. It woke everyone up at 3.30am, some houses nearby were struck and suffered extensive damage.

Guess that'll do for now, will endeavour to not wait too long before the next entry!


Saturday, 20 June 2009

Another false dawn?

Well I hope not :-) I've been following several characters on Twitter and one thing that does come across, is the fact that most, regardless of how busy their lives are, always seem to make some time for the gym and / or general fitness activities. If they can find the time, there's no excuse for me.

So today, for the first time in several months, I went for a morning run. Granted, it's only two miles, but for my ageing joints (and weight) it's enough :-) I have to say I felt dreadful during it, but after a nice relaxing shower and some (light) breakfast, all now seems well. Sure I'm aching a little, but that will soon pass. If I'm to get back into cricket with any degree of conviction I need to do this and loose some weight.

Most sportsmen seem to set themselves small targets in the immediate future, "only thinking of next game" and all that. I'm going to do the same. I'm giving myself until my birthday to see if I can shed around 4kg.

I've stocked up on Ryvita and yogurts, let's see how it goes. Just don't ask me to give up alcohol though, I look forward to my odd pint and glass of wine ;-)


Sunday, 14 June 2009


While Mikey was away on a school activity weekend, we grabbed the opportunity for a weekend away in York. Can't recall when we were last there, but must be several years ago.

Well, we were blessed with great weather, and spent a very enjoyable Saturday having a walk around the city. This time we used the park and ride, which I'd thoroughly recommend, it's cheap and very convenient. York always fascinates me, it's got such a rich history. Even though religion doesn't do a great deal for me, the sounds of the bells of the Minster, with it's awe inspiring beauty is something that I defy anyone not to be moved by.

The blend of shops within the city is spot on too, it caters for all needs, in fact while taking a look at cameras in Jessops, I bumped into an old school friend who I've not seen for years!

We took a stroll down the river bank, as well as part of the city walls. If Clare, (our daughter), decides to go to University there, we'd be happy to visit :-)

Anyway, all safely back now, and looking forward to a belated Sunday roast!


Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Home alone...

Well, we're surviving quite well. The wife and daughter have travelled to Jersey for a few days, (where it's rained all week so far), for a short break leaving me and Mikey to fend for ourselves.

So far so good. On top of the washing (although sadly ironing tonight), eating well, and generally keeping on top of things. Sure, I have a "little list" that was left to assist us in not forgetting things, but that's what makes blokes tick :-)

Probably overdid the bangers and mash last night, ended up with about a ton each, and for me, washed down with a small bottle of Stella which is my little indulgence each day!

Shame about Jersey though, by all accounts, almost a total washout, whereas here at home it's been dry. Granted not particularly sunny, but pleasant nonetheless.

Just finished preparing Mikey's packed lunch, when I pick him up after school, we're going to pop into town to have a look at what new phones are out, his contract is due up soon. Talking of which, while in Jersey, both Sheila and Clare's phones (O2 & Orange) are both eating battery. Have managed to instruct them to turn 3G off and all now seems well.

Until next time.


Tuesday, 2 June 2009

The mind was willing....

Just an update on how things went in the cricket last weekend. Having bought all the gear, and been selected, I looked forward to the game against Leigh III last Sunday at our place (Fleetwood Hesketh). We chose to bat first with me at number 10 and Mikey at 11.

After a good start we were getting near to end of the 45 overs when we started to lose some wickets, with the result that I was walking out to bat with around 43 overs gone. First ball, a small “nurdle” round the corner with a shout for the single. I set off, only to feel after three paces as though I’d been shot in the leg. Could barely walk let alone run after that. Managed to stay in until the end, but could only “hop” the odd run much to the amusement of the galleries :-) Thankfully our 12th man (cheers Craig) took up my fielding duties thereafter.

The moral of the story is, (from bitter experience), the mind still thinks the body can accomplish things it used to do, but as the years creep up, the body doesn’t always agree and follow instruction. I should have warmed up I guess, for sure I will next time. I’m pleased to report that although I couldn’t walk yesterday, things are distinctly better now. From my online self-diagnosis I think I had a thigh strain, who knows for sure, all I do know is that it hurt like hell!

Aiming to be at nets on Thursday anyway, and still enjoying my comeback immensely.


Saturday, 30 May 2009

Time is an illusion...

Well I find it weekend again, and it doesn't seem five minutes since I was playing cricket last Sunday. Is it an age thing? I recall when I was a youngster that time appeared to pass very slowly, now, blink an eye and it's Grand National weekend again. Maybe we pack more into life these days, I certainly don't seem to get much time for simply doing nothing and relaxing these days!

Anyway, it is weekend again, and following on from my return to the cricket field, I'm playing again tomorrow for the third team. Quite looking forward to it to be honest, I've got all the gear again now courtesy of some very cheap prices at Sports Direct, so even if I can't perform like I used to, at least I'll look as if I belong :-)

A hectic week at work last week (when isn't it these days?), but it does look a little more manageble next week. I'm hoping to close out some tasks that have been on the "to do" list for rather too long.

And finally it's official, Summer's here, it's near enough June as I find myself typing this from the boundary at Leigh CC where the temperature's a very creditable 23 degees C. Very nice too.

Until next time.


Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Edgbaston Engand v. West Indies ODI

An excellent day at Edgbaston yesterday where England clinched the ODI series against (what has to be said) was a poor W. Indies side.

I'm not convinced at all about all this international cricket in May, it was damned cold there. I'd far rather it be in the "proper" summer months when you don't have to take thermal underwear and gloves!

Still, a good day out nonetheless. Although we've won this series (and the Tests), I'm not sure a T20 competition is the best preparation for the Ashes, but we'll have to wait and see. At least I have a little more confidence now than I did a couple of months ago :-)


Sunday, 24 May 2009

Cricketing comeback....

After twenty odd years in retirement, a late cry off, and a moment of weakness on my part, led to me taking the field once again in an away cup game at Northop Hall in Wales. With somewhat less athletic prowess than may have existed all those years ago, it proved to me that cricket is still a game that can be enjoyed by those of all ages.

Ok, we lost, but I must confess to a great deal of pride (and enjoyment), in batting with my lad down at the bottom of the order. Never thought I'd see the day, but very glad I have :-) We both ended up not out at the end of the alloted overs, me with solid nought and my lad with a handful of runs.

Next obvious question is did I enjoy it enough to want to have another go? Well you never know :-)



Cars and spare tyres.

Some time ago I bought my first car that came without a spare tyre, not even the token "pram wheel" that comes with some.

To be fair, it was one of the reasons I subsequently changed it since I felt uncomfortable given the amount of time I spent on the road. Sure, it came with one of those mini compressors and a bottle of "goo", but what the hell use would that be?

Wind the clock forward a couple of years, and while in Italy last week, the car we hired got a flat. What should come with it but the compressor / goo solution I knew was useless.

Well I have to take my words back, screw the goo bottle into the gadget, plug into the cigarette lighter, attach to tyre. Switch on, leave for seven minutes, and voilà' all done. You can't do more than 60mph, but it's good for 200km. Not sure it'd cope with a shredded tyre, but thankfully they're not too frequent.

Shan't let it concern me any more!


Saturday, 23 May 2009


Did manage to get a free evening while away with work in Rome, took in the usual tourist spots. I really like Rome, it's a vibrant city oozing with architecture, history, atmosphere and an all round love for life. If you don't feel a buzz in Rome, you're missing something. Sure it's frantic and chaotic too, but drive a few miles out of the city, and you'll arrive in the surrounding hills with as much peace, and scenic beauty as you can shake a stick at. 

Could I live there? Probably not, I like England too much for that, but it sure makes a great place to visit. One to add the "Bucket list" for everyone.


Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Climate change.

Just off (with work) for a couple of days to Rome. Looking at the current weather, it's 32 degrees C over there. Forgetting to pack sunglasses could prove a costly mistake both in terms of glare and fashion (since the wearing of them appears mandatory in Italy).

If I get any spare time, will try and take in a few key places and post photos.

Could always follow the 'Da Vinci Code' clues in the Vatican. If I don't return, you know why....


Monday, 18 May 2009

Gaining an understanding now....

Ok, it's all starting to fall into place now. Sure, I can blog from the PC keyboard, but what's the fun in that :-)

Using all the features available within blogspot, I can update the blog from anywhere provided I've got my phone with me. And that includes pictures. My carrier in the UK doesn't support MMS, but even if they did, why pay money? It appears I can email my blog, including pictures, direct from the phone. 

I've added my twitter feed, and the "Where's Mark" feature provided by Google Latitude, all integrated in the blog. I'm sure it's all very routine and normal for you experienced folks out there, but it's all new to me.

All very cool indeed.

Now, it's just a case of what to write.....


Just another test.

Sending a picture attachment to this email. No doubt the text will reach the blog, but will the picture?

The tension is palpable.


Sunday, 17 May 2009

MP's expenses.

Not going to dwell too long here, it's been done to death all over the media. But here's my take.

I work for a large company where the rules regarding expense claims appear somewhat tighter than those that our MP's have to adhere to.

The story I hear the most is that many of these claims are "within the rules". If that's correct (and I'm not going to argue here whether those rules are correct), then I'd have to say if my expense claims rules allowed me to claim for just about anything, trust me, I would.

The problem is not the MP's themselves, anyone will take what they can when it's permitted, it's the system itself that's fundamentally wrong.

What staggers me is it's taken so long for the public to find out how far disconnected from the real world the MP's expense system really is.


Eat your heart out Mr. Oliver!

Well as part of our new healthy eating campaign, we've decided that once a week (normally a weekend), we're going to have a go at cooking something new without assistance from supermarket pre-packed and ready made sauces etc.

Today was chicken tikka masala, a very typical English dish :-)

I have to report a resounding success! Very tasty and hopefully a healthy option too. Unlike the wine that was consumed to enhance the experience...


Another season with no title....

Well another Premiership season draws to a close, and yet again, Liverpool fall short of landing the title. Looking at it that way, you'd have to say it's disappointing.

That said, I know we've two more games to play yet, but we've only lost twice this season, and finshed well on top in the "mini league" of the big four. If we win our last two, that'll be our highest ever points haul in the Premiership. Most will say (and I won't dispute), that we lost this one through some distinctly average draws (mostly at home) against some teams that should have been dispatched very easily. It's a case of so near yet so far.

Many have said in that past the "Next year's our year" and until now have been proven horribly wrong. This year, I genuinely think we do stand a good chance in 2009/10, *but* we have to be aware that it's going to be much harder. This year, ManU came good, congratulations to them, but in all fairness, I don't think they've played that well. If they play next year the way we know they can, we'll have to make sure we have no silly slip ups against the "lesser" teams. 

Fergie's stated he doesn't intend to spend any money in the summer, not sure how much I believe that, but one area where Utd leave Liverpool in their wake all the time, is their ability to call guys from the squad that have equal quality to those they're replacing through injury or rotation. For sure, Liverpool have some world class players, but their overall squad is not up to that of Utd's. Just hope that if this ownership debacle is ever resolved, we'll get a chance to even the scales up a little bit.

Looking on the bright side, at least the cricket season is upon us!


A test blog from via email

Well I thought it was worth a try…


Well, it's a start....

Previous blog's last entry was 2005, guess I need to kick start this :-)

Expect some randomness while I get things going...
