Sunday, 14 June 2009


While Mikey was away on a school activity weekend, we grabbed the opportunity for a weekend away in York. Can't recall when we were last there, but must be several years ago.

Well, we were blessed with great weather, and spent a very enjoyable Saturday having a walk around the city. This time we used the park and ride, which I'd thoroughly recommend, it's cheap and very convenient. York always fascinates me, it's got such a rich history. Even though religion doesn't do a great deal for me, the sounds of the bells of the Minster, with it's awe inspiring beauty is something that I defy anyone not to be moved by.

The blend of shops within the city is spot on too, it caters for all needs, in fact while taking a look at cameras in Jessops, I bumped into an old school friend who I've not seen for years!

We took a stroll down the river bank, as well as part of the city walls. If Clare, (our daughter), decides to go to University there, we'd be happy to visit :-)

Anyway, all safely back now, and looking forward to a belated Sunday roast!


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