Sunday, 4 October 2009

They think it's all over....

Well the geese have arrived a week or two ago, so that's it. Summer is officially over. Must confess I must be losing my marbles, I was convinced the clocks went back last weekend in September, but apparently it's October. Must be losing the plot. Either way, since the geese arrived, we've had one or two quite nice days. Wonder what the winter's going to be like? If previous years are to go by, probably quite wet and warmer to what I remember when I was a lot younger :-)

Ended up with a new phone from work, sadly had an accident with the P1i, dropped the damned thing. Not clever. Now have a G700, after initial reservations, have to confess it's growing on me, nevertheless, it's not a BlackBerry therefore it'll never be loved.

A very busy spell at work continues, but hopefully should quieten off a little before year end, hoping for some time off in October and a nice long Christmas break, may even try and get back into Amateur Radio, one of my hobbies that's kind of taken a back seat over recent years.

On the sporting front, weekends are now back to "normal" (whatever that is), since the cricket season finished, I think next year I may try and keep the games down to just Saturday or Sunday, both days is a bit too much. It's nice to try and get at least one day to chill out. Really impressed with the new golf clubs I got for my birthday, but only got to try out for the first time this week! Maybe it's just because they're new, but the "custom fit" appears to have done the trick, I appear to be able to hit the ball (fairly) straight. Looking for a handicap reduction next year then!

Also thinking of changing the car, I'm doing too many miles and need to sort something out, thinking of a Ford Kuga. Can anyone convince me why not?

Right, bacon butty time, before a long overdue tidy up in the office, why can't I ever keep it tidy, it'd be so much easier :-)


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