Wednesday, 24 November 2010

And that reminds me...

Well maybe there are a few things worthy of note since my last blog. I'll endeavour to keep it brief.

Daughter Clare has settled extremely well at University in York (St. John). We all miss her, but so far she's managed a couple of trips home this term, and is also due back this weekend.

Mikey and I attended Top Gear Live at the NEC. See my facebook pages for pictures. A fabulous event which I can thoroughly recommend!

Liverpool's take over has been completed :-) Liverpool's performances are woeful :-( A season of consolidation at best, so long as we don't get relegated I'll be happy. Would guess we'll finish the season with a different manager to that which we started the season with.

Currently using / playing with three phones, a BlackBerry Storm 2, an HTC Desire and a Sony Ericsson X10 mini pro. All have the plus and minus points. But if I could ever get my Company email to work on the BlackBerry, it'd be a no-brainer for me. Hell is likely to freeze over before that happens though, or, I change jobs.

Oh, and Winter has arrived, it's damned cold today!


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