Saturday, 20 June 2009
Another false dawn?
Sunday, 14 June 2009
While Mikey was away on a school activity weekend, we grabbed the opportunity for a weekend away in York. Can't recall when we were last there, but must be several years ago.
Well, we were blessed with great weather, and spent a very enjoyable Saturday having a walk around the city. This time we used the park and ride, which I'd thoroughly recommend, it's cheap and very convenient. York always fascinates me, it's got such a rich history. Even though religion doesn't do a great deal for me, the sounds of the bells of the Minster, with it's awe inspiring beauty is something that I defy anyone not to be moved by.
The blend of shops within the city is spot on too, it caters for all needs, in fact while taking a look at cameras in Jessops, I bumped into an old school friend who I've not seen for years!
We took a stroll down the river bank, as well as part of the city walls. If Clare, (our daughter), decides to go to University there, we'd be happy to visit :-)
Anyway, all safely back now, and looking forward to a belated Sunday roast!
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Home alone...
So far so good. On top of the washing (although sadly ironing tonight), eating well, and generally keeping on top of things. Sure, I have a "little list" that was left to assist us in not forgetting things, but that's what makes blokes tick :-)
Probably overdid the bangers and mash last night, ended up with about a ton each, and for me, washed down with a small bottle of Stella which is my little indulgence each day!
Shame about Jersey though, by all accounts, almost a total washout, whereas here at home it's been dry. Granted not particularly sunny, but pleasant nonetheless.
Just finished preparing Mikey's packed lunch, when I pick him up after school, we're going to pop into town to have a look at what new phones are out, his contract is due up soon. Talking of which, while in Jersey, both Sheila and Clare's phones (O2 & Orange) are both eating battery. Have managed to instruct them to turn 3G off and all now seems well.
Until next time.
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
The mind was willing....
Just an update on how things went in the cricket last weekend. Having bought all the gear, and been selected, I looked forward to the game against Leigh III last Sunday at our place (Fleetwood Hesketh). We chose to bat first with me at number 10 and Mikey at 11.
After a good start we were getting near to end of the 45 overs when we started to lose some wickets, with the result that I was walking out to bat with around 43 overs gone. First ball, a small “nurdle” round the corner with a shout for the single. I set off, only to feel after three paces as though I’d been shot in the leg. Could barely walk let alone run after that. Managed to stay in until the end, but could only “hop” the odd run much to the amusement of the galleries :-) Thankfully our 12th man (cheers Craig) took up my fielding duties thereafter.