Sunday, 24 April 2011

ISS pass through Leo

Starting to get a little more confident on astro photography now, but it's still *very* early days. I've bought several magazines, read lots of Internet articles, and slowly but surely it's all starting to make a little sense. There are several avenues to pursue, but I'm in absolutely no rush. And while I'm still reading and forming plans, I can still use the Canon G11 on a tripod to experiment.
Finally got some decent conditions tonight, a clear moon free sky, and the benefit of the next door neighbour not putting on their outside light :-) Add to that a wonderful ISS pass and I just had to have a go at capturing it. And I'm pretty happy with the result :-) A 15 second exposure (maximum the camera can do) of the ISS transiting Leo. For good measure I've also included Ursa Major with my amateur radio antenna in view.

Friday, 15 April 2011

As an amateur golfer....

I feel for Kevin Na, while I have also racked up some horrendous scores over the years, it does make me feel a little better that even professionals can have such bad days. Granted I don't recall anything as high as a 16, but I've certainly had quite a few in double figures for one hole :-) For those that haven't already seen it, check out

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Gadget Show Live 2011

Finally got round to going to a Gadget Show Live with Mikey. I must confess I'm only a recent "convert" to the programme, I seem to get so little time to watch TV these days so I'm very choosy about what I watch. No show is going to please all of the people all of the time, but for me this one just about hits the spot. Along with the BBC's "Click" it covers most bases. Most of all, it presents the information in a fun and engaging way.
Anyway, the show at the NEC, what did it do for me? Well, two things came out of it, one, that I now think I "get" what tablets are and what they're for. I can certainly see them replacing laptops / netbooks as the computer of convenience while out and about in time. Let's face it, for what *most* people use computers for (e.g. browsing, email, social networking etc), they'll do the job just fine. There were some cheap Elonex ones on show, the price was very attractive, but I couldn't help but feel their speed and responsiveness let them down. The screen didn't have the same vibrancy as the more expensive counterparts either, but for a third of the price I can see lots being sold. I'm not going to be getting one just yet, but would be hard pushed to decide between the Samsung Galaxy and the iPad2 at the moment. Both have the pros and cons, and that's before the Apple / Android antagonists get going.
The second "biggy", is it looks like 3D TV could be mainstream before too long. Had a "look" (with the silly glasses) at a fair few, and the quality was astonishing. Still believe a lot of content is targeted to accentuate the 3D, for example, snakes reaching out to you, but I was quite astonished at the quality of the game content that's out there now. It's *extremely* convincing, and although I'm no gamer, I could well understand those who are wanting to make the next step up.
The live show itself was very good too, although when we came out, the whole show had become much busier, and it was quite difficult to get around. We'll certainly be back next year...