Sunday, 13 September 2009

Bad time for the cricket teams...

Ended up playing for the 2nd's again yesterday. Personally, didn't do too well, dropped another catch of Mikey's bowling and was out for a second ball duck. The seconds had already been relegated, but we returned to the club just in time to see the first team lose and also get relegated. It's going to be a difficult time for all over the winter trying get ready to turn things round for next year. On a brighter note, Mikey's also playing for the thirds today, and by all accounts, if they win, they stay up. Here's hoping.

A very busy week at work, as stated in my summary, I'm not going to give much away on all things work related, but suffice it to say it was a key week for us this last week with a major contract starting service. Pleased to report that the story so far is good, but we've another two weeks of transition before us during which I'm hoping everything also goes well.

Watched a 9/11 documentary on TV last night, it was compiled by footage from multiple sources from that dreadful day and for me, (not that it needed it), brought everything into focus. To see things from so close was just dreadfully depressing. Sure there are all sorts of conspiracy theories (which I must say I don't agree with), but whatever your personal belief of why things transpired the way they did that day, you surely cannot fail to understand how much grief and pain the relatives of those who died must feel when seeing the pictures and video footage again. As events pass into history we often tend to lose focus on them. I remember by Dad telling me many years ago he was adamant that footage of the war in all it's appalling detail should be mandatory footage to kids every year to show them the futility of it and to ensure it never happened again. I'd like to think the same of 9/11, but in this crazy world I'm afraid I'm not so sure we can be so confident.

Looking around me, it's obviously time for tidy up :-) I'm going to try and re-establish a DAB radio here in the study. I've a nice little Hitachi "thing" in the loft we used to have in the lounge that has decent speakers and also the ability to plug a USB stick in to play what's on that. Must dig that out since it looks like I've finally found a radio station I can listen to! Check out "The Arrow" on DAB, classic songs with no DJ and no adverts! Perfect :-)

Thinking about what car to get next, I've clocked up too many miles in this one too quickly so am likely to have to make some form of adjustment or change. Thinking of a Kuga this time and maybe next time go for something second hand but luxurious, i.e. decent spec Jag or other "top end" car. By my reckoning I could get something very decent for the same price as a new Ford. Who knows, I may even fulfil my ambition to one day own a Range Rover :-)

The run of the "Secret Garden" sadly came to an end last Saturday night at the Little Theatre to another standing ovation. I'm normally not that gushing about any theatre production since a lot can be (and are) at best average, but once a certain "team" get together in the form of Stephen and Paul (Director / Musical Director) with a cast that can actually do what's asked of them, the results can most certainly be worth watching :-) The feedback I've had from friends who went to see it was that it was one of the best they've seen. Anyway, it'll soon be Panto...

Right, time for some breakfast and to clear some of these blasted emails....


Saturday, 5 September 2009

Another week gone....

And still behind on "stuff" I should have done :-)

Acquired a new phone (for work) this week, our mobile mail client is changing (still no BlackBerry sadly) so decided on a Sony Ericsson C902. So far so good, it appears to do what it says on the tin, and since the mail client is only "officially" supported on S/E phones, it couldn't be anything other than an S/E. Don't really fancy the Walkman range since I don't listen to music (at least not on my phone), but having a good camera (it's 5MP's on the C902) is a nice feature to have.

The run of "The Secret Garden" is in full swing, last two performances today. So far so good, although there have been a couple of drop-offs with a none function of a smoke machine and a pipe blowing off the water feature. Hopefully all resolved now. I had the luxury of actually watching it one night and even though I'm not a great watcher I did really enjoy it. The standard of acting / singing in the Youth Theatre seems to get better year on year. Well done to all involved. After spending three weeks building it, it all gets pulled out tonight though.

My finger is still hurting from cricket last week, not as bad though, and not as black, but I'm due to play again tomorrow (Sunday) for the 3rd's. Just been to drop Mikey off for the 2nd's game and that's been called off. There's more rain forecast, so I guess tomorrow looks doubtful.

Approaching a very busy time with work now, but I prefer it that way than quiet (not that it ever is), some new challenges to overcome with the new operation, but I'm sure everything will be fine. All being well, looking foward to an extended break over Christmas.

My new golf clubs that were bought for my birthday have finally arrived too, just need to find time to go and pick them up and give them a whirl, they're supposed to a custom fit so I'm expecting an improvement in my game! Need to play at least three medal rounds next year to avoid my handcap becoming inactive.

Right, time for a spot of lunch before the theatre.
