Saturday, 25 July 2009

Royal Birkdale

Well it's taken way too long, but finally got to play Royal Birkdale on Friday. I just wish I'd played there sooner! What a fabulous course! Having walked it many times while watching the Open Championship, to play it is simply magnificent.
Every hole has it's individuality and charms, sure the rough is quite tough, but you shouldn't be in it should you? If you play sensibly and think your way around, you can score well. I certainly did (on some holes), some less so :-)
It's expensive, but for a treat, I'd recommend it to anyone, I'll be back there for sure!
Best course I've played by a country mile.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Dear diary....

Well time's really rattling by at the moment. Thought it was time for a quick update on a few things.

Mikey had the op on his toe a week ago, he's been told to stay off sport for 3 to 4 weeks minimum while it heals. Can't say he's terribly happy about that, but it needs doing. Hopefully he'll be back at cricket before too long.

After a bright start in the first Ashes Test at Cardiff, (I still don't agree with that), England now have their backs to the wall and need to bat out the last day. I'm not convinced they can, but here's hoping. I read somewhere that England have *always* lost the first test since 1997, so if we can hold out for a draw that's got to be an improvement?

I must congratulate the BBC on a truly magnificent effort with Series 3 of Torchwood, it had me thinking all week, the storyline, acting, everything about it was absolutely top draw. Congratulations all round, I just hope it's back for another series sometime, although given the attrition rate Torchwood "staff" and the ending of Series 3 I'm not sure. Did read that Russell T Davies says he's ready to continue so let's keep the collective fingers crossed. After its peak last week it would surely be criminal to lose it now.

And talking of the BBC, also congrats to Top Gear for the first episode of the new series and the 1940's race between London and Edinburgh with train, bike and car. I know some criticise the format of the show and state it's not a "sensible" show about cars. Get real guys, it's an entertaining show with cars as the theme and certainly excels at that. Long may it continue.

Played my first medal round at golf in many a moon yesterday and somewhat surprised myself at how well I did. A little disappointed with my net 75 since (as always) it could have been so much better. But the fact that I managed to keep the ball in play most of the time was very encouraging :-) I've the Belfry and Royal Birkdale to look forward to in the next couple of weeks so needed that confidence booster before the two big events!

Starting to prepare for "Secret Garden" with the Youth Theatre shortly, it runs first week of September but everything from a staging perspective always needs kicking off well in advance.

That'll do for now, until next time.


Thursday, 2 July 2009

Where were we?

Well it's a good while since my last entry, apologies for that, have been travelling a lot and been pretty busy with work.

I guess the first update is regarding how's the running going? Well not too bad actually. I don't run when I'm away, but don't usually miss out when I'm home. On average maybe four times a week. Yes, it does seem to be getting a little easier, but I am also pushing myself a little harder each week. Still only doing two miles, but running most of it now. So far have lost just shy of my 3kg already, so may have to increase my goal now. We'll see. I'll be honest, I don't enjoy it, hate it in fact, but I believe it's necessary to keep the old frame ticking along.

Have played a few rounds of golf with my lad Mikey over the last few weeks at the club. Really must get his name down to join, he's really good now, so much so his gross front nine was better than mine last week!

Not much cricket to report on, Mikey's struggling with a toe infection which has prevented him playing, he's due to get it sorted this week, so after a spell of rest, we should be good to go again.

Done some helping out back stage at the theatre on and off, next "big" one for me will be "The Secret Garden" in September.

The weather's been far too hot for my liking, we had a belter of a storm the other night, not heard or seen anything like it in years. It woke everyone up at 3.30am, some houses nearby were struck and suffered extensive damage.

Guess that'll do for now, will endeavour to not wait too long before the next entry!
